
Tech Guide

Keep Lost or Stolen Devices Safe
How Do You Keep Lost or Stolen Devices Safe? It’s only a matter of time before an employee’s smartphone, laptop, or tablet goes missing. It might even be YOUR work device that’s lost or stolen. There are approximately 70 million lost smartphones every year. How many...
.AU Domains Available – Get Yours Now
Earlier this year the .au domain name was announced. So now, as well as Australian domain names ending in or, etc. the shorter .au name will be available. .AU Domains Available - Get Yours Now In early October the .au domain suffix will become publicly...
Phone text danger! – Flubot
As most everyone knows, cyber-crime has increased massively over the last year or two. Dodgy emails have been the weapon of choice for criminals.  But now a new threat is growing, catching out victims via SMS text messages on our phones. Flubot, having done the rounds...
Why Use a Password Manager?

Why Use a Password Manager?

Why Use a Password Manager? In these days of increased cybercrime, a good password (as well as other defenses), is extremely important. A common problem with passwords though is that it’s hard to remember all of them. This means that many people end up with one or two...

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Computer Cleaning for the New Year

Computer Cleaning for the New Year

The new year can mean resolutions and promises for a “new you.” One way to start this year feeling more in control is to clean up your computer. Follow these simple steps! Tackle the inbox We do a lot of shopping at the end of the year. Whether you shop online or in...

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5 Tech Travel Tips You Can Use

5 Tech Travel Tips You Can Use

Travelling soon? For most people, this also means making sure your tech is packed and ready for the adventure. Smartphones, ebook readers, tablets, laptops and smart watches are now so light and portable that you’d never think of leaving them behind, plus they can add...

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Buying Tech in Time for Christmas

Buying Tech in Time for Christmas

Buying Tech for Christmas Christmas time is back with us again.  The latest devices and gadgets are hitting store shelves just in time to keep up with the rush.  Magazines, television, and the web are brimming with advertisements and reviews of the latest tech your...

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