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7 Data Backup Mistakes in Your Business - Prima Technologies
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Anyone that’s suffered data loss, which unfortunately is most of us at one time or another, knows that backing up your data regularly is critical. Data loss can happen anytime without warning due to computer crashes, lost/stolen devices, viruses, or natural disasters.

Many companies put an initial backup plan in action and then put it on “auto-pilot” just expecting things to go smoothly. But then, one day when your system crashes and you think you have a reliable backup at the ready, you realize your backup disk had an error you never caught.

If you don’t have a reliable backup in case of an emergency, it can mean the loss of vital files that can set your office back considerably.

The Modern Workplace by Prima Technologies works with small businesses to help them gain a competitive edge. One of the most important things we can do for them is to ensure business continuity no matter what unexpected situations may occur. Setting them up with secure, reliable, and easy to recover backup solutions are a part of the services we provide.

This article is part one of a two-part blog series on common backup issues and how to overcome them with best practices. We’ll start by explaining the 7 most common mistakes you might be making with your office backups without even realizing it. Then in part two of the series, we’ll explain how to implement office data backups the right way.

How Important Are Regular Data Backups?

If you’re only doing sporadic backups from time to time, you could be putting your company’s growth at risk. Too often it’s in hindsight, after something goes wrong and files are lost, when we realize we should have a better backup plan.

58% of small businesses are not prepared for a data loss incident.

Most business owners are focused on growing their company, doing the day-to-day of sales, marketing, and cultivating client relationships. Data backup isn’t usually at the top of the “to do” list… but it should be.

According to Small Business Trends, 60% of small businesses that lose data and can’t recover it will shut down within six months, and 58% of small business owners aren’t prepared for a data loss incident.

So, preventing data loss by knowing how to back up correctly and ensuring you’re not making those common backup mistakes can save you from some serious problems in the future.

7 Most Common Data Backup Mistakes

If you’re making one of these common backup mistakes, you’re not alone. But you can correct them before it’s too late.

1. Running Out of Storage Space

Whether you’re using a cloud backup service or a physical hard drive, either can run out of room if you don’t keep an eye on the available space. Once a backup gets full, your new data isn’t being backed up properly.

2. Not Regularly Checking for Potential Error

You plugged in that backup drive and all looked fine. It’s been plugged in with the light flickering ever since, so you thought you had your backup under control. Now 6 months later a computer crash lost some files, so you open that handy backup app only to find that it had an error and isn’t showing any recent backup.

Not regularly checking that backups are going smoothly (for your whole staff) can cause a nasty surprise just when you need that backup the most.

3. Not Backing Up Often Enough

Infrequent backups mean you might not have a copy of your most current accounting file for your accountant to reconcile. It’s easy to think that a weekly backup might be okay if you’re a small business, but data is being created and updated just about every minute at modern offices, so you need a backup plan that ensures you have recent changes at all times.

4. Doing Backups Manually

Are you relying on your staff to back up their computers and devices manually? That’s a recipe for disaster. Even the most well-meaning employees might get called away unexpectedly and forget to back up their system. Not having an automated backup system in place can mean lost data from multiple computers.

5. Backing Up Data Only

If you lost your computer today, could you replace all the software on it easily? If you’re only backing up data files and not the operating system and applications too, then in the event of a lost or crashed computer, you may end up having to repurchase those lost programs.

6. Using Outdated Methods

Are you still backing up to a flash drive or CD? Even though you may be familiar with an older backup method, that doesn’t mean it’s the best protection for your data. If you’re storing those backups at your office, in the event of a natural disaster or fire, you’ll not only lose your computers, you’d lose your backups too.

7. Not Including Mobile Devices

Mobile devices like tablets and smartphones have been consistently taking more of the workload away from desktop computers. Does your backup system include your team’s mobile devices? If not, then you could be missing a good deal of your corporate data.

Be sure to read part two of this series for tips on backup best practices.

Looking for an Automated and Reliable Backup Solution?

The Modern Workplace by Prima Technologies works with only the best cloud-based backup solutions that are affordable and get the job done right. Looking for a great backup plan? Call us today at 1300 795 105.